Measuring Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Publication Date: 

Tuesday, 14 April 2015 - 1:30pm


Terri Kafyeke
© UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform


The United Nations (UN) developed a proposal for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals and 169 targets cover an extensive range of sustainable development topics, from poverty and health to climate and sustainable consumption. The full list of SDGs can be found on the UN’s Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (here).

The goals, which are to be achieved by 2030, are the successors of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which were signed in 2000 and had 2015 as a target date.

No matter what specific goals policy-makers are trying to achieve, measuring progress towards their targets is essential. This is where indicators come into play, translating policy objectives into numbers whose evolution can be tracked. 

Selecting the right indicators to measure progress towards a desired policy outcome can be a tedious task due to the overwhelming number of existing indicators, and the fact that they all come with limitations and risks of misinterpretation.

This is why was created: to facilitate the selection and interpretation of green economy indicators.

Workshop: How to measure the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Central Europe?

The NETGREEN consortium is holding a workshop in Berlin on 8 May 2015 (free of charge) to discuss the implications of the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals, determine how they can be measured in different countries and at the same time present their indicator website,

The NETGREEN team has invited speakers from central European countries (including Estonia, Poland and Germany), to provide different perspectives on how the proposed UN SDGs influence the political debate and the political process. The workshop will provide participants with insights on how the SDGs are applicable and relevant in central European countries and how they can be measured.

Click HERE for more information on the workshop, including the agenda and a registration link.

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